The Web Conf 2018
The Web Conference (formerly www conference) is a yearly international conference on the topic of the future directions of the World Wide Web. Starting with 2018 edition, the conference series previously known as World Wide Web Conference (WWW) has been rebranded as The Web Conference.
The Web Conference 2018 was in Lyon, France’s second largest city. It focused on Web technologies, standards and practices, and will showcase the best of the region’s technology and culture.
The Minute of Madness
The Minute of Madness session of TheWebConf was a good opportunity to put an idea in the spotlight: sometimes the less you say, the more people remember. As The Web Conf 2018 participants we had an opportunity to present the Word2Vec2Graph model on the Minute of Madness session.
Word2Vec2Graph Presentation on Minute of Madness Session
Making Word2Vec2Graph presentation on Minute of Madness session in TheWebConf we brought the following points:
- As information overload is now growing exponentially we built Word2Vec2Graph model that connects words with graphs.
- Written in Spark this model combines Word2Vec power with Spark GraphFrames functionality.
- In text Word2Vec2Graph model finds new word associations and creates new ideas.
Word2Vec2Graph Presentation Slide
![Post Sample Image](/img/word2vec2graph.jpg)